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May 11, 2009


Account Deleted

Mathew, as usual, you're right on target. The problem many people have with networking is that they don't know what to say. I've always advised that you don't say much -- you ask questions. For example, any prospective client you meet today is going to respond to a question like, "How is the current economic situation affecting your business?" And if you listen carefully, you'll here an opportunity to suggest, "Have you tried...?" Listen carefully, and you'll hear a problem, to which you can ask, "If you (not I...you) could solve that problem, how would it help you?" And listen again, until it reaches a point wher you can say,"Why don't we have lunch next week and talk about it? I may be able to help." And that's successful networking. It works like a charm.


Ron Moore

Thanks for the tips. Ending the conversation is key, but maintaing eye contact and focus are paramount to getting meaningful information and not just a business card. Active listening could or should be # 10A...Thanks!

Taco John

I disagree on #6. If someone is unhelpful, greedy, insufferable, uninteresting, or you just don't want to talk to them, learn two things: the skills to tactfully tell the person "We're done here" and the courage to say it.

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