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May 04, 2009


Cherry Emery

Matt thanks a lot for such a nice article . I appreciate it and i will meet you on twitter .


lucas law center

hey matt thanks a lot for the lovely article and the tips was very cool. I will follow u up on twitter.


John S. Gillies

This is a great resource. You may wish, however, to check the grammar of #51, which currently reads, "If there’s an industry who’s members you serve ..." but should read "an industry whose members ..."

Peter Huang

As for #97, I agree that the ability to smoothly disengage from a conversation at a networking event (without making a bad impression) is a very useful skill. Do you have "ten rules" on this topic?


How clever! Great tips, starting with #1.

Robert Labossiere

love the premise of 140 character legal advice, but find them too directed at lawyers. how about directing them more at clients? like

"If you don't pay your lawyer, you will go to jail."

"Legal aid will help you, but don't expect to enjoy it."

"Legal aid lawyers are just as smart and actually believe you."

"If you hire an asshole to represent you, don't expect him to treat you any different."


Matt - you're using Wordpress to populate your blog, right? Have you considered adding a twitter widget so we can see your tweets right here?

Rob Suarez

Great e-book! This is definitely "Kindle" material - read>apply>repeat!

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