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November 05, 2008


Chris Anderson, Esq.

Excellent post! I'd modify number three a bit based on several years of attending technology CLEs offered by Barron Henley:

3. You should never have a more powerful PC, bigger monitor, or more comfortable chair than your secretaries and other support staff do.

There is no reason other than ego and/or insecurity about your manhood (or womanhood) for you to have the newest and most powerful computer in the office. Give your support folks the tools they need to excel. Your bottom line with thank you for it.

Andrea Cannavina

I agree with all but number 5. I'd substitute:

5. The single piece of technology all lawyers should learn to use better is digital dictation.

Lawyers should not be chained to their desks by their keyboards, software, etc. They should be 100% mobile with nothing but their voice, IMO.

Otherwise, a great list I will definitely be sharing!

Andrea Cannavina
Digital Coach & Master VA
LegalTypist, Inc.

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