For your consideration: Ten "Rules" of Legal Technology. Not many are new, and very few apply only to lawyers, but these are a few more nuggets I'm pulling out of previous posts to fill out my portfolio of speeches I've got "in the can." Enjoy:
1. Since the first PC, legal tech companies have been promising to help lawyers capture more time. Capturing time isn't the problem, charging for it is.Also, check out Ten Rules About Hourly Billing and Ten New Rules of Legal Marketing. If you'd like to hire me to speak, head over to LexThink.
2. It is more important to get better at working with people than it is to get better working with technology.
3. You should never have a bigger monitor or more comfortable chair than your secretaries do.
4. Never brag about implementing technology in your firm that your clients have been using for a decade.
5. The single piece of technology all lawyers should learn to use better is their keyboard.
6. Sophisticated clients don't demand sophisticated technology, they demand sophisticated lawyers. They assume the technology is part of the package.
7. Social Media isn't technology. It's your Rotary Meeting on steroids -- though there are less lawyers in the room and the clients are better.
8. Want to invest in an inexpensive communication technology guaranteed to improve your thinking skills and increase collaboration with clients? Buy a whiteboard for your office.
9. Belt, meet suspenders: One backup solution is never enough.
10. The only technology ROI that matters is your clients' return on their investment in you.
Bonus Rule: The one piece of technology your clients wish you'd get better at using is the telephone. Call them back!
Excellent post! I'd modify number three a bit based on several years of attending technology CLEs offered by Barron Henley:
3. You should never have a more powerful PC, bigger monitor, or more comfortable chair than your secretaries and other support staff do.
There is no reason other than ego and/or insecurity about your manhood (or womanhood) for you to have the newest and most powerful computer in the office. Give your support folks the tools they need to excel. Your bottom line with thank you for it.
Posted by: Chris Anderson, Esq. | December 04, 2008 at 03:30 PM
I agree with all but number 5. I'd substitute:
5. The single piece of technology all lawyers should learn to use better is digital dictation.
Lawyers should not be chained to their desks by their keyboards, software, etc. They should be 100% mobile with nothing but their voice, IMO.
Otherwise, a great list I will definitely be sharing!
Andrea Cannavina
Digital Coach & Master VA
LegalTypist, Inc.
Posted by: Andrea Cannavina | November 17, 2008 at 11:32 AM