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September 03, 2008



Can't wait to see where this goes! i feel the same way and hope to gain inspiration from you.

(@keavneylaw on twitter)


AH! This is exactly what I needed someone to confirm for me today: that, no matter how you package it, "almost happy" is still "not happy."

Thanks for the affirmation.



Count me in!!!

Diane Levin

Matt, I've been a regular reader for quite some time now. I'd noticed that this corner of the blogosphere had gone awfully quiet. What a relief to notice that the light's back on. Your writing has long been an inspiration to me as a lawyer-turned-mediator -- it sounds as if the self-discoveries you've made will reinvigorate your writing, and I'm looking forward to the direction you'll be heading in. By the way, as one parent to another, your daughter is sure lucky to have a dad like you.

Best wishes to you, Matt, and thanks for all you do here for readers like me.

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