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June 27, 2007


Zane Safrit

Good stuff. The presentation is excellent. And your site here is really well done. Congrats on all that.

Vikram Rajan

Beautifully done!! My PPTs will now all be like this. You've inspired me. Granted, I really don't use projected slides! But my clients do... and this will be a reference Role Model.

I'm going to link to this from my blog.

(the ducks were a bit disturbing... but the "Take care of your own business" is great -- shoe cobbler's son!)

~ Vikram Rajan


Hi Matt,

That presentation was right and brilliant. It is something that all attorneys should watch when they decided to start their own practice.


Susan Cartier Liebel

Matt, I'm going to refer my students and clients to this presentation. It is very effective, direct and to the point, keeping us in focus about what is important. Thank you for sharing.

Grant Griffiths

Matt -- That is one of the most simply, best, to the point examples of how we should handle what we do I have ever seen. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

Richard Rosenstein

I was going through your slide show and my wife just started looking over my shoulder and commented on how effective it was. She wanted me to make sure I told you that she is a severe critic of this kind of thing and really liked it. My thought is that you hit most of the right notes with great humor. Rich

Carolyn Elefant

Hi Matt,

I haven't been to your website in a while, but it looks great and this is a great presentation. I'm going to cross post at MyShingle right now.


Nerio Vakil

An impressive and innovative presentation, with very apt visuals, Matt. To be honest, it really doesn't require much narration. Great job.
p.s. Would love to have your source of photographs.

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