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August 18, 2005


Yvonne DiVita

Wow, Matt. You sound like...a girl. If I ranted like that, I'd be hung out to dry. Don't get me wrong, I am totally on your side. Not surprised by the events, and with you all the way. But, I wonder...if they aren't worried about this very thing...your natural inclination, and ability, to voice a dissenting opinion, and to point out where they might (should) move for improvement.

I am disappointed that ALM isn't smart enough to keep you. You are so insightful, you have so much to offer. But then, they're lawyers and you're... a blogger. I'd say a legal blogger but that wouldn't be quite right. You're a blogger, through and through. Your expertise is law, but that's just one thing you write about.

We need more of you and less of them. I hope you know that the opening line about being a girl was... a little rant of my own (truly, when we do it, people say stop bitching), but it was, in some ways, a compliment. Because you get so much beyond law, beyond blogging, and beyond technology. You get people. It don't get better than that, pardon my grammer.

I predict you'll fill that advertising space quickly. LexThink forever!


Great feedback, Matt.

Bob Kraft

Matt, I'm sorry if you suffer any substantial negative impact from this silly decision.

I'll start the bidding for your suddenly available space. I'll give you 20 cents a day to advertise my www.pissd.com blog.


Douglas Sorocco

Great post Matt! I think that you will be an asset that will be sorely missed from the network. Instead of more baseball posts, however, how about more fuzzy bunny posts? I think that would really jazz up the place. =)

Keep up all the great work - you are always an inspiration.


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