My friend Zane Safrit (who is not an idiot, by the way) has a cool new podcasting service he’s introducing at his company, Conference Calls Unlimited.
I’m new to the podcasting game, but Zane assures me it really is easy.
Step One: Set up a telephone call through his company’s service, or use your own dedicated reservationless number.
Step Two: Push “*7” (or something like that) when you want to start recording the conversation. Push the same key combo when you want the recording to end.
Step Three: Wait for his company to e-mail you the link to your hosted mp3 podcast. They can also send you the mp3 file for you to edit.
Step Four: There is no step four.
Now for the idiot part: Zane interviewed me for his first podcast. We talked about blogging, on-line collaboration, and LexThink. Here is the link to the mp3 file: Podcast Here